Paolo Bea Santa Chiari Umbria Bianco 750ml


A white wine produced from Grechetto (20%), Malvasia (20%), Sauvignon (20%), Garganega (20%), Chardonnay (20%), planted in the Pagliaro vineyard, a site with alternating layers of gravel and clay at 1,300 feet above sea level with both east and southwest facing parcels. After crushing, the juice spends at least two weeks macerating on its lees; sulfur is never added. This wine is then left on the fine lees in stainless steel for one year before being bottled.

The Santa Chiara often swaggers out of the bottle with macerated peaches, brassy spice notes, a liberal dash of white pepper, and candied citrus. Despite its somewhat explosive and brash personality, it possesses terrific drive and a focused, tannin-derived sense of architecture.



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