3 Fonteinen Cuvée Miel Lambik 750ml


Reminder: We only ship beer within the state of California.

Brewery Notes:

3 Fonteinen Cuvée Miel is a blend of one-, two-, three- and four-year old lambikken that have been infused with honey on the coolship. Spontaneously fermented. Matured in oak barrels. Extended bottle ageing. Unfiltered. Unpasteurised.

For this Cuvée Miel, we blended three different old lambikken, all brewed while adding honey-from-our-own-hives onto the coolship. We let them mature extensively on their dedicated barrels, before blending them with some young lambik and a small portion of a honeycomb macerated lambik. We used quite some two- and three-year old honey lambikken, pushing the weighted average age of the whole blend to more than 30 months on the moment of bottling.

8 in stock