Italian Wine Club November 2023: Italo Infinito

Italo Infinito Nobody knows exactly how many different kinds of wine grapes there are in Italy. Estimates range from several hundred to a few thousand. The Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture’s official tally is 350...

September 2023 Rose Club

Although we will never tire of drinking French rosé, we want to make sure we give other countries a chance to steal the spotlight, so September’s wines come to you from Italy.  The first wine...

July '23 Italian Wine Club: Veneto

VENETO Last month I discovered, by accident and to my great surprise, that in seven years exploring the wine regions of Italy, this club has somehow never made it to Veneto. Which is weird; its...

Q2 2023 Red Rogues Valpolicella/Ripasso/Amarone

VENETO Wine might not be the first thing you associate with Italy’s Veneto region. That’d likely be Venice, the capital, and one of the most famous places on the planet, endlessly mythologized, celebrated,  depicted -...

June Italian Wine Club: Le Marche

LE MARCHE As the least heralded region in a North Central Italian triumvirate that includes Tuscany and Umbria, Le Marche sometimes gets lost in the stampede of visitors thronging its famous neighbors. It’s also easy...

Italian Wine Club May '23: Liguria

LIGURIA  Though arguably most associated with France, the Riviera - as concept, aspiration, and actuality - originates in Liguria, in northwestern Italy. The word itself is Italian for “coastline,” and was first applied to the...